Hanover, MN


Mayor and City Council

Regular City Council Meetings will be held on the first and third Tuesday's of the month at 7:00 pm at Hanover City Hall.  The second meeting of the month is designated as a work session to include in depth discussion on topics by Council.


Council Strategic Objectives and Short-Term Goals - Adopted 2023


Mayor Chris Kauffman

Term: 2021-2024

10660 Prairie Lane

Hanover, MN 55341

(763) 498-7173


Also a member of the Joint Powers Water Board


Council Member Mike Amery

Term: 2022-2026

10449 Kalland Lane NE

Hanover, MN 55341

(763) 205-5933


Also the liaison to the Planning Commission



Council Member Greg Zgutowicz

Term: 2023-2026

11664 10th St NE

Hanover, MN 55341


Also the liaison to the Park Board


Council Member MaryAnn Hallstein

Term: 2017-2024

339 Jandel Avenue NE

Hanover, MN 55341


Also a member of the Hanover EDA


Council Member Tom Dierberger
Term:  2021-2024
821 Kayla Lane
Hanover, MN 55341
Also a member of the Hanover EDA and Joint Powers Water Board